Sections Where You Can Advertise In Our Directory.

There are several ways to promote your business in our Directory. Here are the options and below you will find information about pricing. If you have any questions, just contact us to give you more details and benefits about them.

Main Page (several options)

Top of your business Category (over all your competitors).

Featured Business Blog posts.

Inside our Business Listings.

Advertising In Top Of Your Business Industry competitors - $97 Monthly or $597 annually.

Appear in first place (top of the page) before the information of all your business competitors when someone is looking for your industry services.


1) Visibility as the top business in the community. Featured description of your business. Visibility in all of your competitors Listings. Get traffic to your business digital resources (Website, Google Business Profile, etc).

2) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Get Backlinks to your business digital resources.

Main Website Page- Slider Section- $97 USD Monthly.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Main Website Page- Popular Local Businesses Section- $67 USD Monthly.

Appear in the Main Page of our Website in one of the three spots of the Popular Local Business Section.


1) Visibility as Top business in Westminster, California.

2) Visibility in the Main Page of the Site by all users of the Directory. Backlink for your website. Visibility for other links.

Appear 30 Days In All Directory Listings Category searches (visualizations) $150 USD.

Appear in all the Directory Listings.


1) Visibility as important business in the community. Appear in all Listing searches.

2) Show your Business information. Get traffic directly to your website. You get a Backlink.

Premium Listing- $49 USD Monthly or $297 annually.

Our Premium Listing show more information of your business to users vs a Normal Listing. 

Here the differences:

Norma Listing includes: Address, Website, Phone Number and E-mail.

Premium Listing includes: Address, Website, Phone Number, E-mail, Logo, Business Description, Video (YouTube/Vimeo), Scheduled Days, Featured Image, Image Slideshow, Include Extra Links and Social Media.

Benefits: Visibility and Backlink for your website. Visibility of other links.

One Monthly Featured Blog Post For Your Business- $49 USD Monthly.

Get a Blog Post for your business in our main page section “Featured Businesses”.


1) Visibility as one of the featured businesses in the community. Talk about any topic to your future prospects and customers, let them know you. Get traffic to your business digital resources (Website, Google Business Profile, etc).

2) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Get Backlinks to your business digital resources.

Interested in being listed on this Site?

Contact us to be listed in our site. Ask for our different packages.